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Special Letters in your Name

So why have we now switched to letters instead of numbers? This is Numerology, not “alphabetology,” right?

Well, let's examine that for a minute. Every letter has a numeric value so it isn't a departure from anything related to numbers. Numbers and mathematics factor in to everything. Everything we do can be somehow measured. The same holds true for the letters in our name. Certain letters provide specific measurements that have significance. Even their numerological monikers speak of measurement.

Special Letters

Enter your first name (at birth):

Your Cornerstone Letter, Capstone Letter, and First Vowel

Just like every stone, brick, and beam in a building is significant, so is every letter in your name. A building also has certain parts that are particularly significant and so it is with your name. The location of a letter is significant, just like the placement of a cornerstone or capstone is significant. So let's see how your name is constructed and figure out what those important letters mean.

This is a somewhat unique calculation in that is has less to do with numerical value and more with numerical position. For example, your Cornerstone Letter is the first letter in the name you received at birth. It provides an indication of your overall character and speaks of how you handle the things life throws at you – how you handle opportunity and navigate obstacles, in particular. Your Capstone Letter is the last letter of your first name (your full first name, not your nickname). The letter in that position speaks of how well you follow through on things, if you are more or less likely to finish what you begin. Combine these two numbers and they create a revealing picture of your ability to self-start, take initiative and responsibility and then follow through.

The First Vowel in your name acts as a gauge. It provides further insight about the person Within. This number is much like your Higher Self. It provides a glimpse at things that you have a tendency to keep hidden.

Do not walk into the trap of using your familiar name (your nickname) just because it resonates more with you. You received your name at a time in your life when your choices had to be made for you. There is a particular vulnerability that comes with using that name for this exercise. Using another name reveals certain insecurities you have that may or may not create an accurate picture. This is especially true if your nickname manipulates the First Vowel. If your birth name is Margaret, don't use “Peggy.” If your birth name is James, don't use “Jim.” You will discover more about yourself if you use your birth name.

One last note: Y is likely never going to be your first vowel unless your GIVEN name is simply Sy, Vy or something similar. Make sure you are properly dividing your name phonetically when determining whether or not to use Y as your first vowel.

Here is a listing of each letter in the alphabet and their meaning as Cornerstone, First Vowel, and Capstone. Read the interpretations in a manner that applies specifically to the letter's position. For example, Special Letter A deals with ambition. This ambition relates to how you handle opportunities if it is your Cornerstone. It reveals you to be more ambitious than you realize or let on as a First Vowel and it shows your propensity for perseverance and seeing thing through to the end if it is your Capstone.

Special Letter A

You have an abundance of ambition and are very motivated. You tend to keep your own counsel on things and your opinions are not easily swayed. You are mentally sharp. You approach things head-on and like to prove that you are capable of taking charge. You have a extremely strong sense of will and purpose. You are courageous and not easily intimidated. You do experience fear, but you consider your ability to fear to be a strength because you know how to channel it and use it to reach your goals. Work on your ability to listen. This is your one weakness. People around you want to be heard. Let them have their voice. This is also a sign of strength.

Special Letter B

You are an emotional person. Some would consider you to be a bit over-sensitive but also friendly and genial. You avoid conflict in favor of peace. You have a strong foundation of faith, whether in yourself or in a higher power. Your weakness is that you tend to live in the past and spend too much time beating dead horses. Some ideas will not outlive your expectations. Be willing to let them go and try new things.

Special Letter C

You have a well-developed sense of intuition. You are very articulate and express yourself well. People appreciate your wit and sense of humor. Your personality is very spontaneous, energetic and cheerful but you also have an affinity for the melodrama. Keep good tabs on that.

Special Letter D

You are a practical, down-to-earth thinker. You like things to have order, form and function. Your ability to think and act with bold determination make it possible for you to overcome obstacles that many would view as impassable. Be careful that you don't become obstinate and rigid to the point where others can't work with you or share your vision. Learn to consider every angle to a problem and all sides of an argument.

Special Letter E

You don't like anything that you consider cumbersome or binding. You want to be free. You are very physical, sexual, passionate. You fall in love easily and will likely marry more than once. You enjoy the company of friends and enjoy entertaining. You do, however, have a keen sense of perception that your emotions don't cloud like they might with someone else. You have the unique ability to see things from all possible perspectives at once.

Special Letter F

You have a sense of responsibility that often leaves you in the position of playing the scapegoat. Your tendency toward self-sacrifice stems from your love of the people around you and your desire to share your warmth and affection on many levels – not just romantic. You are empathetic to other people's problems and pain. Your helpfulness have be interpreted as meddling so be careful how far you step into other people's space without invitation. You will also need to figure out how to meet your own emotional needs without becoming depressed or anxious.

Special Letter G

You have a strong sense of will and determination. You have a very active imagination and that imagination could be parlayed into a career. Do not stifle those creative processes. They are sure to work in your favor. If you feel like you might have Psychic ability, definitely explore that. Chances are you're right!

Special Letter H

You have a lot of great ideas but your creativity works both for you and against you. You tend to invest monetarily in ideas, some of which work, some of which do not. Eventually, though, you will figure out how to make the dos outnumber the do-nots. Be careful not to let your decisions turn you into a skeptic as this will diminish the joy you get out of those creative and adventurous tendencies.

Special Letter I

You have a tendency to think of others ahead of yourself. You are in touch with your own feelings and are sensitive to those of others. You are kind and considerate. You appreciate the finer things in life: good food, fine art, good music, etc. Your challenge is in keeping your emotions balanced. You may tend to have mood swings and these can lead to unrest. Figure out how to keep things on an even keel.

Special Letter J

You are a champion of justice. You know where your loyalties lie. You are reliable and you possess integrity. You have discovered things about life that have improved your situation and you want to share those experiences with others. You have a very clever and organized mind. You might do well as a motivational speaker or leader in your workplace. Just be sure to save some of that motivation for yourself so you don't wind up feeling drained.

Special Letter K

K is the 11th letter, so it ties in well with its Master Number counterpart. You are creative and motivated. There are many dimensions to your personality. You can be forceful and determined when you need to be, but you also know when to step back and take a more passive approach to things. Don't succumb to fear and apprehension. You have a heightened sense of intuition and enlightenment. Use them to your advantage.

Special Letter L

You have a tendency to over-think things. This slows down your ability to make decisions and take necessary action. That level of caution can work against you so try to be more trusting of your gut instincts. Your tendency toward analyzing everything does give you a heightened sense of conscience and keeps you honest, though, so don't lose sight of that part of yourself in your efforts to be more spontaneous. When you do get around to making decisions, they are usually the right ones, free of bias or moral conflict so learn to find balance in HOW you make them. Take a few risks along the way.

Special Letter M

You tend to immerse yourself in your work. You are efficient and you have lots of stamina. Yours is a very fortuitous nature. You seek to be financially stable. You may not be exceptionally money-motivated, but you desire to be comfortable. When things are uncomfortable, you weather the storms well but sometimes its at the expense of how you deal with other people. When things are tense, you tend to be less patient. Learn to spot those moments and work on improving.

Special Letter N

You tend to “think outside the box” in most cases but you can also come off as boorish and opinionated. You have a hard time being able to consider other points of view. Consider keeping a journal so you can see the thoughts inside your head and analyze them from the point of view of an outsider. Be guarded in affairs of the heart. Chances are you will be blessed with many lovers but you might have a hard time putting their needs ahead of your own. It's fine to play the field, but don't leave emotional destruction in your wake.

Special Letter O

You have strong religious convictions and hold yourself to a high moral standard. You adhere closely to rules but often feel like you are the only one with such a developed sense of right and wrong. You may find yourself feeling envious of those who enjoy things in life that you might consider to be outside the confines of good conscience. You will need to learn to work through those feelings so you don't become resentful of your own decisions or the tenets of your faith.

Special Letter P

People immediately look to you as an authority. You have a lot of knowledge as well as wisdom. You make good first impressions. Getting to really know you, however, can be difficult. You can come across as distant, even disconnected and aloof. You have a tendency to place more value on things than on people. That can make you protective of your possessions and reclusive. Remember to leave the door open a crack and leave room for people to come and go.

Special Letter Q

You tend to attract money but not prosperity. Your dealings with money leave you in a constant state of gain and loss. You have ideas that seem a bit hair-brained to other people but you make them work. You also act too much on impulse if something sounds good. You'll throw money into an idea just because you like the notion of the idea without weighing whether or not it's a good one. You are a good communicator, now work on being a more organized listener and thinker.

Special Letter R

You are emotionally driven but in ways that propel you forward. You know how to use your emotions to make good gains. Emotional thinkers tend to lack balance and structure to their thoughts so try to maintain control of your temper and keep negative thoughts at bay. Try being less critical and condescending. Learn to tolerate other people's behaviors, ideas, and points of view. You don't necessarily need to embrace them, just accept them. Make some strides to improve your memory. You tend to suffer in this area, particularly with remembering names and appointments.

Special Letter S

You have a definite charm and charisma. You are warm-hearted and loyal to a fault. You may have had a difficult upbringing that manifests in being overly-emotional as an adult. Learn to think tings through and act more on intuition than on impulse – these are NOT one and the same. Learn to accept that emotional highs and lows are part of life and yours is no different.

Special Letter T

Learn to “stop and smell the roses.” You seem to always be on the go. That kind of pace can work in some areas of life, but it can put a strain on your family, your lover, your co-workers and those with whom you do business. Approach personal goals with that kind of aggressiveness if it helps you meet them, but learn to pull back on the reins a little when dealing with others.

Special Letter U

You may earn a lot of money but you spend it as fast as you make it. Learn the value of saving and learn how to tell yourself, “no,” once in a while. Live comfortably, but practically. Learn how to deal with your emotions in ways that don't cost you time or money or deplete your own sense of worth. You have a creative mind and plenty of talent. You are intelligent, energetic and seem to have a lot of luck. Remember that there is no such thing – you manifest these things for a reason. Take the time to try and discover what that reason might be.

Special Letter V

V is the 22nd letter, making it a power letter. You likely have various metaphysical strengths of which you may or may not be aware. You may be slightly clairvoyant or psychic, but you also have an over-active imagination. Your challenge is going to be figuring out what is real and what you might be concocting inside your own head. In some cases, a merging of the two will be necessary to be able to see the entire picture, but a foothold in reality will need to be present if you are to be effective.

Special Letter W

You are determined and purpose-driven. You know how to listen to your intuition. You are fun to be around and you express yourself well. Be mindful of your tendency to take the quick and easy road as “easy” and “right” don't often bisect.

Special Letter X

You are creative and artistic and very sensual in your expressions. You pick up on new concepts quickly and learn them just as quickly. You have a thirst for adventure. You also likely have a very active libido and an addictive personality. Be careful not to start depending on sex as the be-all, end-all of your sense of inspiration or fulfillment. You are avery complex individual so don't reduce your experience of life to just one thing.

Special Letter Y

You dislike boundaries and limitations. You want to be free to explore – that includes inward and outward journeys. You have a great deal of ambition and courage. You do tend to linger on more difficult decisions, though, so work on your indecisive nature. Your intuition is sharp. Pay it heed.

Special Letter Z

You are very optimistic and positive. You tend to always see the bright side of things. Your expectations of yourself are high, but realistic and you have loads of common sense. You glean wisdom from your experiences and are able to use that wisdom to intervene in conflicts but you have a tendency to become affronted when your advice is rejected. Learn how to step back and realize that you can only offer your advice, you cannot circumvent Free Will.