2024-04-26 Daily Tarot

Daily Tarot

For Friday, August 1st, 2014

Today's tarot card is the Two of Wands. How does this card's energy fit with today's busy set of astrological aspects?

In the Rider Waite tarot, the Two of Wands depicts a well dressed man standing on a balcony, overlooking a bay. He holds a globe in his hand, and looks confidently ahead. The Two of Wands usually shows up when a project is just getting off the ground, and when an important choice has either just been made or is just about to be made.

There are many major aspects in play today, but the most closely allied with the Two of Wands is probably the Mars-Jupiter square. Mars is very much a push-ahead energy, and Jupiter is a very expansive, go-getting energy too. When they square up, like today, there's a sense of reigning back and being careful not to push ahead quite so fast.

Note how the figure in the Two of Wands is in a contemplative stance. He holds the globe carefully, as if weighing different options. That's what we should be doing today. Even if a decision has already been taken, it always leads to yet another decision; the key today is to move ahead confidently, but not with undue haste. Consider all of your options well, then make your choice firmly and with conviction.