2024-04-27 Daily Tarot

Daily Tarot

For Friday, April 11th, 2014

Today's tarot card, The High Priestess, is a perfect match with today's major astrological configuration: a Virgo Moon opposing a Venus-Neptune conjunction in Pisces.

The High Priestess is among the most spiritual of the tarot cards. In the Rider Waite version of the card, she sits in robes of blue and white, wearing the crown of Isis, with a cresent moon at her feet. On either side of her are two pillars, one black and one white, representing the duality of our natures. Behind her is a screen covered in images of pomegranates. Who can pass behind the screen? Those who are willing to embrace the wisdom of the High Priestess.

Today's Venus-Neptune conjunction is beautiful, spiritual and uplifting; under the energies, the world can shift into a more compassionate and spiritual frame of mind. And yet, the Virgo Moon opposes this energy. Virgo doesn't oppose spirituality, but she does insist upon spirituality done properly. Today's opposition is a warning not to dabble in things we don't yet understand, but it's also an encouragement to go out there and to learn.

It's also perhaps a warning not to be taken in by "gurus" and those who claim to have all of the answers. In reality, each of us is our own High Priestess. We need nobody's permission to journey beyond that curtain, and we should seriously question anyone who claims otherwise. The message from today's tarot card, therefore, is to seek spiritual learning and knowledge, but not to be misled by those who are only in the spiritual field for their own ends.