Tip of the day:

Debt Relief

The person in the Nine of Swords card is probably thinking about debt relief. How can you find relief from all this debt? Don't let debt ruin your peace of mind, try using a debt relief service to help you let go and relax. Look into national debt relief programs or government debt relief. They can help you get out of debt and help you come up with a plan and stick to it. Sometimes companies are willing to settle your debts for less than you might think. If you are feeling stressed out about debt, now is the time to get help..

Credit card debt and medical debt are the most common types of money problems. Student loan debt is a close second but all these kinds of debt can be handled by a debt relief program. Contact your local government office to see what kind of relief programs are available.

Your Daily Reading:

Nine of Swords

Nine of Swords Tarot Card

Many adults have suffered through hard nights due to lack of sleep. We toss and turn, dead-set on getting some shut-eye, but it refers to come. We count sheep, we drink warm milk, and we find white noise, but nothing seems to work. /“I can't shut my brain off,/” many will say, and they'd be referring to the endless cycle of thoughts about the next day circling in their heads. What will tomorrow be like? Will it be worse than today? Yesterday? Do I have any hope for a good tomorrow, or does it all look like ash and dust? This worry and sleeplessness is the fearful energy of the Nine of Swords.

On this card, the setting is nighttime – the world all around is in complete darkness. The only things we can see are a bed, a figure, and swords. The figure is laying in the bed, having only just woken from what appears to have been a terrible nightmare – the person is leaning forward, their face in their hands. The swords hang upon the wall – a constant reminder of this person's worry.

This card signifies, above all, suffering and fear. The person on this card knows fear and knows pain – they have seen it before, and they are terrified that they'll have to go through it all again tomorrow. The person in the bed has woken from the nightmares of previous days – they see these horrors in their dreams frequently, and it plagues them constantly.

A close second to the feeling of suffering is the feeling of worry. This person isn't necessarily experiencing their sorrow, guilt, and pain right at this moment... but, because of their past experiences, they are worried that this pain could sneak up on them again at any moment. This card often signals post-traumatic symptoms, such as recovering from a death, a divorce, the loss of a job, or otherwise. Of course, the pain could have been less evident, but no matter the cause, it's obvious that this card deals with worry for the future.

This card could also signal that the person in bed is feeling guilty. Their dreams are disturbed by their past transgressions, and all they can think of is how awful a person they must be to have let that transgression pass. Whether the guilt is warranted or not, guilt is not something you can let plague your life – it can devour you in both your waking and sleeping hours. Devise a plan of attack, so that you can be rid of your guilt forever – see if there is some way you can seek absolution for yourself.

Fear is the Mind Killer

Lastly, this card could signal suffering from depression. The person in bed might not be able to find comfort from their depressive thoughts, not even in their dreams. If this is the case, know that hope is out there for you to find – search not for a better day, but a hope to chase each night and each morning. It is one of the only ways to break free from long-term depression.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself when you see the Nine of Swords in your readings. What are your worries? Is it guilt or pain? The memories of the past, or the fear of the future? What is plaguing you? Why can't you let it go? What are the benefits of letting it go? What are the benefits of holding on to it?

Many cards can have aspects of the Nine of Swords – also any card with negative attributes can be paired with the worry card. The Ten of Wands refers to carrying a great burden – this could be the reason for the worry and pain in the Nine of Swords, so they are an easy pair. The Three of Swords is also a fateful matching – the pain and sorrow from those three swords in your heart could be a solid cause for the worry and suffering in the Nine of Swords.

What Nine of Swords Means for You Today

The Nine of Swords can show up in your readings when it's time to take a step back and stop thinking so much. Thinking about the future and imagining all the things that may go wrong is only going to make you feel worse. If you are feeling anxious and afraid at 3 a.m., there is no way you to think yourself out of the problem. The majority of human suffering is the product of thinking. Stop thinking and suddenly the present moment becomes peaceful and easier to accept, even if something stressful is happening. Take a look around the room you are in. Is anything terrible happening right here and now at this moment, or are you worrying about what might happen in the future? If there is nothing you can do to change the situation, it's time to get out of your head and accept the present moment.