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Bridge Numbers

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There are two bridge numbers in your Numerology Chart: The Life Path-Expression Bridge Number and the Heart’s Desire-Personality Bridge Number. Both of these are easily calculated. To find either, you simply take the difference between the core numbers each represents.

Since you have likely already calculated these numbers, we won't look at any hypothetical examples this time. We'll let Ryan and his friends have a rest. Consult your own Life Path, Expression, Heart's Desire and Personality numbers as the basis for these calculations.

Understanding the Bridge Numbers

The Bridge Numbers explain how you can make the individual core numbers in your chart more compatible. It is possible to narrow the gap and make the relationship between these numbers more agreeable. If you want to know how to make your talents, abilities and strengths more available and more present in your life, the bridge numbers can show you how.

The Meaning of the Life Path-Expression Bridge

Look at your Life Path Number and your Expression Number. Now subtract the larger number from the smaller. The difference (the answer to the equation) is your Life Path-Expression Bridge Number. Now do the same with your Heart's Desire and Personality Number. The result is your Heart's Desire-Personality Bridge Number. Below is a listing of all the possible outcomes and meanings of each.

The Meaning of the Heart's Desire-Personality Bridge

This Bridge number tells you what you can do to make the deeper parts of yourself fall more in line with the outward things that people see and recognize about you whether upon a first impression or after they get to know you. Your personality number is more of a persona. It is the you that you let the world see. It can function as a mask or a camouflage if you let it. Those who have learned from their Heart's Desire-Personality Bridge how to balance the inward person with the outward one have more confidence and a greater sense of self than those who do not.

Bridge Numbers

These interpretations apply to both the Life Path-Expression and the Heart's Desire-Personality bridges so use these interpretations in either context. Odds are each one will be different, but it is not a hard and fast rule.

Bridge Number Calculator

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