2024-04-20 Daily Tarot

Daily Tarot

For Tuesday, August 26th, 2014

The tarot card for today is the Four of Pentacles. What does this very conservative card have to teach us, and what does it have to do with today's Venus-Saturn square?

In the Rider Waite tarot deck, the Four of Pentacles depicts a wealthy man seated with his feet on two pentacles. The third rests in his crown, and he is holding tight to the fourth, with both arms wrapped around it. This card speaks of material security and along with that, emotional security. This guy is holding on to his pentacles for dear life, frightened to let go of them and frightened to allow the status quo to change.

Of course, while he's holding those pentacles so tightly, he's going to miss out on any other opportunities/pentacles which might come rolling by. He needs to loosen his grip before he can progress, and he needs to be willing to take a risk.

Today, Venus in creative Leo squares up to Saturn in deadly serious Scorpio. Where the Leo energy would like to us to be optimistic, playful and energetic, Saturn in Scorpio puts his foot down and absolutely rules out any such reckless behavior. This inhibits our own chances of growth, and many of us will miss out on opportunities today due to our inability to let go of those pentacles.

The message from today's tarot is clear, especially when combined with the Venus-Saturn square: loosen up. What's the worst that could happen? You might drop a pentacle, sure - but you might pick up several others.