2024-04-19 Daily Tarot

Daily Tarot

For Monday, July 21st, 2014

The tarot card for today is the Six of Swords. This calming tarot card has a great deal in common with today's astrological energies, and in particular with the retrograde motion of Uranus.

In the Rider Waite deck, the Six of Swords depicts a ferryman ferrying a woman and child across the water. Six swords stand upright in the boat, protectively encasing the passengers. Although the water on the nearside of the boat is rippled, the water on the far side is perfectly calm. Traditionally, the meaning of the Six of Swords is quite literal - a move into calmer waters.

When Uranus turns retrograde, his rebellious stance softens somewhat, at least to external view. Now the chances being taken are emotional rather than literal, and life often settles into a calmer rhythm at this time, on the surface at least.

The message from today's tarot card is therefore quite a simple one: congratulations, you've weathered the storm. From here, things may well get easier in your daily life, and challenges will recede for a few weeks - but it will take longer than that to heal yourself emotionally, so don't expect too much from yourself too soon.